Roast Lamb Rump & Feta Potatoes with Nutty Veggies & Caramelised Onion Sauce

A roast lamb rump dinner is getting a makeover with caramelised onion chutney sauce spooned over for a sweet and sticky glaze. The potatoes are putting on a show with a sprinkle of creamy feta and don’t worry, the veggies aren’t being left behind, not when they are accessorised with pine nuts.

Prep: 35 mins
Cook: 35 mins
Servings: 4


2 servings 4 servings
  • olive oil
  • 1 packet lamb rump
  • 1 sachet garlic & herb seasoning
  • 2 potatoes
  • 1 bag baby rainbow carrots
  • 1 bag baby broccoli
  • 1 packet pine nuts
  • 1 packet onion chutney
  • 1 tsp balsamic vinegar
  • 15 gr butter
  • 0.25 packets cow's milk feta
  • 1 bag parsley


  1. • Preheat oven to 220°C/200°C fan-forced. Lightly
    score lamb fat in a criss-cross pattern.
    • Place the lamb, fat-side down, in a large frying
    pan (no need for oil!). Place pan over medium
    heat and cook, undisturbed, until golden,
    10-12 minutes.
    • Increase heat to high and sear lamb rump on all
    sides for 30 seconds.
    • Meanwhile, combine garlic & herb seasoning
    and a drizzle of olive oil in a small bowl.
    TIP: Starting the lamb in a cold pan helps the fat to
    melt without burning.
  2. • Meanwhile, cut potato into bite-sized chunks,
    then place on a lined oven tray.
    • Drizzle with olive oil, season with salt and toss
    to coat. Spread out evenly, then roast until
    tender, 25-30 minutes.
  3. • Transfer lamb, fat-side up, to a second lined
    oven tray. Spoon garlic-herb mixture over the
    lamb. Roast for 15-20 minutes for medium or
    until cooked to your liking.
    • Remove lamb from the oven, cover with foil and
    set aside to rest for 10 minutes.
    TIP: The lamb will keep cooking as it rests!
  4. • Trim green tops from baby rainbow carrots
    and scrub them clean. Halve carrots and baby
    broccoli lengthways.
    • Wipe out the frying pan, then return to
    medium-high heat with a drizzle of olive oil.
    Cook carrots and baby broccoli until tender,
    5-6 minutes.
    • In the last 1-2 minutes of cook time, add pine
    nuts and cook until golden. Transfer to a plate.
    Little cooks: Kids can help clean the carrots.
  5. • Return the frying pan to medium heat.
    • Cook onion chutney, the butter and balsamic
    vinegar with a dash of water until reduced
    slightly, 1-2 minutes.
  6. • Slice roast lamb rump.
    • Divide rump, roasted potatoes and nutty veggies
    between plates. Crumble feta (see ingredients)
    over potatoes.
    • Spoon over caramelised onion sauce. Serve with
    torn parsley. Enjoy!
    Little cooks: Add the finishing touch by tearing over
    the parsley.