Easy Herby Crusted Chicken & Roast Potatoes with Green Bean Salad & Mustard Mayo

This dish gets a tick from every department. Its got herby chicken breast, crispy roast potatoes and a green bean salad. We've also added mustard mayo adding a little bit of flair! This recipe is under 650kcal per serving.

Prep: 30 mins
Cook: 30 mins
Servings: 4


2 servings 4 servings
  • 1 olive oil
  • 2 potatoes
  • 1 packet herb crumbing mix
  • 1 packet chicken breast
  • 1 packet garlic sauce
  • 1 bag green beans
  • 1 bag mixed salad leaves
  • 1 balsamic vinegar
  • 1 packet mustard mayo
  • 1 olive oil
  • 4 potatoes
  • 1 packet herb crumbing mix
  • 1 packet chicken breast
  • 2 packets garlic sauce
  • 1 bag green beans
  • 2 bags mixed salad leaves
  • 1 balsamic vinegar
  • 2 packets mustard mayo


  1. • Preheat oven to 240°C/220°C fan-forced. Cut potato into bite-sized chunks.
    • Place potato on a lined oven tray, drizzle with olive oil, sprinkle with a pinch of salt and toss to coat.
    • Roast until tender, 20-25 minutes.
    • Meanwhile, in a medium bowl, combine herb crumbing mix, a generous drizzle of oil and a pinch of salt and pepper.
    TIP: If your oven tray is crowded, divide the potato between two trays.
  2. • Meanwhile, place your hand flat on top of each chicken breast and slice through horizontally to make two thin steaks.
    • Add chicken to a second lined oven tray and season with salt and pepper.
    • Spread garlic sauce over top of chicken. Spoon over crumb mixture, gently pressing so it sticks. Drizzle over olive oil.
    • Bake until cooked through (when no longer pink inside) and crumb is golden, 14-16 minutes.
  3. • Meanwhile, boil the kettle.
    • Trim and roughly chop green beans.
    • Place beans in a medium heatproof bowl and cover with boiling water. Immediately cover with plate or foil and leave for 5 minutes.
    • Rinse and drain beans. Return beans to the bowl and allow to cool slightly.
  4. • When beans have cooled slightly, add mixed salad leaves and a drizzle of olive oil and balsamic vinegar. Season to taste.
    • Divide herby crusted chicken and roasted potatoes between plates.
    • Serve with green bean salad and mustard mayo. Enjoy!